Friday, July 8, 2016

Online resources

Having had a great school year 2015-2016 and with great progress made,it would be very beneficial for children to maintain   this by staying in touch with their learning during the summer holidays.
Reading and discussing books is of huge benefit to all. Parents can download lots of books, graded according to age, from an excellent online reading resource, Oxford Owl. These are the steps required to access this resource. 

Click on the link below  
Click on class login:
The username is : Stthomasns
The password is : reading

English reader

The following provide some other great online resources which children might enjoy,                                                                                              Maths fun

Hope everyone has a great summer.
Happy Holidays!

Friday, January 29, 2016

Useful website for spelling

In learning spellings, children often enjoy wordsearches as a means of consolidating and focussing on particular letter strings in words. As a parent you can create your own wordsearch for your child using the following website: